Monday, June 20, 2011

June Newsletter

President’s Corner


Welcome to the beginning of a new year for NOSC! I would like to recognize the previous board for all of their hard work over the past year. We truly appreciate your dedication to making our group a success. Thank you!

A little bit about me: I am married to Adam Letizio and am a stay at home mom to 8-month-old Alden. We are from New Hampshire, and are big fans of New England sports teams. I have my degree in elementary education. I look forward to getting back to teaching one day, but for now, I’m enjoying my “career” as a military spouse and mom.

This year’s board is eager to continue the traditions of the VQ-4 NOSC. We welcome suggestions, comments, and concerns. Please stay involved and let us know how the NOSC can best serve you. We look forward to working with you this year.

Take care,

Katie Letizio

The “COW” pen

We recently celebrated the welcoming of our New COW, Kathi Black! We had a great turn out to her COW party and we are looking forward to a great year...moo!

PLAYpass Program- Get out and Play!

The new PLAYpass Program will provide deployed-affected Single Airmen and Air Force families respite from the challenges of deployment. In continuing efforts to build a resilient force, Single Airmen returning from deployment and families of deployed members can receive special discounts and rewards to help make their deployment easier.

The new PLAYpass card replaces the DePLAYment program offered during the Year of the Air Force Family and has been expanded to provide deployment respite support for not only deployed-affected families but also support for returning Single Airmen. PLAYpass offers discount cards that provide members and their eligible family members the opportunity to participate in AF Force Support Squadron programs for free or at a reduced cost. The program will kick off in late May and run through Dec 2011.

Installations will distribute PLAYpass cards pre-printed with specific dollar value coupon blocks that can be applied to the specified programs offered at each participating location. Each card is valued in excess of $500.

The PLAYpass card may be picked up at Airman and Family Readiness Center in bldg 6001 starting May 31st, 2011. For more information or to find out if you are eligible for a PLAYpass, visit

Click Here for a list of PLAYpass events

Walt Disney World & Disneyland Military Sales “Salute”

Resort Room Offer


Membership dues- $50/tour or $20/year. Check with Erin Jarvis to see where you are at with dues.

Send us your favorite recipe to share!

Please check the attached spouse’s roster to make sure your info is correct or let us know if anything has changed.

Websites to visit

(printable coupons that will work at the commissary)